If You Are Unable To Decide - Read This

Follow the Strategy to become master at decision making step by step

Wed Nov 27, 2024

Say Yes to Decision Making

The problem is your decisions are consuming most of your time, and you cannot decide."You cannot make progress without making decisions." - Jim Rohn

As a working professional, there are a plethora of decisions to make. The biggest problem is indecisiveness. 

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt 

There are two categories of people:

  1. Who decides and takes action?
  2. Who are unable to decide, so actions are missing.

There might be further subcategories.

  1. Knowers
  2. Non-knowers

Category 1 

Decision-makers are action-takers. Whether they know / they do not know, they will take the plunge and join the action team. 

These people might be most unconfident and absolutely less knowledgeable, but they have learned one thing: that decision is to be taken. Either yes/no. 

They make the decision and start working on it. If the decision is yes, they will look for all ways and means to take action and get things done. 

If the decision is no, they will take further action. Overall, they are the most free people and action-takers. 

Category 2 

The second category of people could be more decisive - they will take their own sweet time to decide. 

They will take 1 month to decide whether to take the new job opportunity. A few years ago, I was in category second. 

When I was working at a university, I got an offer in the HR department of a startup for one of my friends in the USA. They are into US Recruitments. After I received the offer, I was unable to decide for 1 month because:

  1. My experience with that person came to mind. I had a slightly negative experience with him.
  2. I had a lot of What-ifs in my mind.
  3. There was a change in my career/job role, and I feared which path to take.
  4. I feared it wouldn’t work and would be out of the job after a few months.
  5. I hoped to continue a stable opportunity with the University, which looked like a stable job. Even though it is less paying.
  6. I feared his cleverness and lost trust.

 It took me a month to decide whether I should proceed. During the decision-making phase, I tried everything:

  1. Writing on paper with pros and cons
  2. Talking to friends and family.
  3. Meditating over the thoughts.
  4. Giving time to things.

There was a time when the thought of taking the decision started giving some uneasiness in my heart.

  1. I felt like there was some heaviness/pain.
  2. My time was lost, sinking into mental decision-making.
  3. I wanted to continue with the present job, and I wanted to avoid joining the new job.

What a Brilliant Dilemma! My friends and people I was consulting always told me, “You have to forego one.” I wanted both, which was not possible. 

I was standway midway for a month and unable to decide. 

I became category 2, unable to decide. Ideally, you should make the decision and move on. The earlier you make the decision, the easier it becomes to move ahead quickly. 

What is the solution if you are a category two-person or your present decision-making forces you to be a category two-person? 

If you are in category two by choice / by circumstantial force, do the following: 

If you are unable to decide, the answer is no - Naval Ravikant. 

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach." - Tony Robbins. 

The Decision Fatiquue 

Being unable to decide impacts you in a big way. It impacts your self-esteem and even your relationships at the workplace and at home. 

People who are instant decision-makers are outgoing, jovial, and happy-go-lucky. They enjoy the fruit of decision-making, being happy, and reaping the rewards. 

Grant Cardone, the Billionaire Investor and Online Authority, says decisions should be made as quickly as possible. 

He emphasizes the importance of fast decision-making in several ways:

  1. Cardone advocates for making decisions "as fast as you can.”
  2. Grant Cardone said he purchased a plane in nine days, even though it was a big purchase. According to him, people take 9 months to 9 years to make such decisions.
  3. Cardone states that "Making a choice takes one second."
  4. He advises making choices "as soon as you have enough information to do so".
  5. Cardone argues, “Adding time to a decision won't make you more certain”.

Grant Cardone advocates for making decisions almost instantaneously, often in a matter of seconds or minutes, rather than days, weeks, or months. 

His philosophy is centered on rapid decision-making as a critical factor in achieving success and efficiency in business and life. 

Someone once told me, “To buy a property, you do not need money. You need will.”

The people who are active decision-makers decide and make it happen. When they want a property, they do not look at the bank account. “They will look at booking it and then looking for ways and means to acquire it.” 

Decision-making impacts you mentally, physically, emotionally, and even in the form of habit. Mentally, your self-esteem is impacted - you feel bad about yourself and build negative self-talk. 

Due to a lot of mental fatigue, your physical body is not active. As you are weighing too many pros and cons and unable to decide,e you get stuck emotionally. If You are Unable to Decide There may be genuine circumstances where you cannot decide for XYZ reason. 

If you cannot decide for XYZ reason and something is not allowing you to take action. 

According to Naval Ravikant - If you are unable to decide the answer is no. 

Assume and Presume - The answer is no. 

Now, this is not coming from your head. It is coming from your gut feeling or something inside of you that is stopping you from taking action. 

Honour that desire. Honour that voice. What are the steps to make the decision-making effective: Every theory has some assumptions The following are the Assumptions :

  1. Failure -Assume failure is ingrained in the decision.
  2. Regret - Assume you may regret your decision.
  3. Next decision- You may have to take the next decision if the old one doesn’t work.

“Reversible decisions should be made as soon as possible. Irreversible decisions should be made as late as possible." - Shane Parrish

  1. Commit and declare—When you commit and declare, it is bound to happen. You got into a courtship with someone and committed, so your engagement and marriage happened. The same thing happened in the case of your office employment. You committed to your employer that you would join from so and so date, and so you joined.
  2. Dedicate a slot/time—Allot a particular slot/time to decide. That may be a few minutes or a few hours. You do not need weeks and months to decide. If you are taking weeks and months to decide, that means you need more convincing.
  3. Take small decisions—Start taking small decisions. A very small decision like whether to drink coffee or tea might help you if you are an indecisive person. Just choose and choose for no reason. Just choose. This will help you build your decision-making muscle.
  4. Reduce overthinking—Try making the decision without overthinking it. Simply make the decision. You will have all the time to make it right and prove it.


You will not become the decision-making superman on day one. Becoming the decision-making superman will take time to build. 

Keep making decisions and build your muscles. If you want to build your online business with the job.

  1. Commit to it.
  2. Dedicate a 2-hour slot every day to make it happen.
  3. Take small actions every day for it.
  4. There is only action, no overthinking. Writing a tweet is also action. Creating a short video is also action.

Imagine working for 2 hours a day on your Digital Business and building a Side hustle or online Business alongside your job. 

Your job is paying your kitchen bills, and you are mentally at peace. 

Your 2-Hour Business fuels your passion and entrepreneurial spirit to make your existence known worldwide. 

7 Days to Digital Business is the transformation Journey you can take by devoting a few minutes daily. 

Transform your business in just 7 days with this immersive digital course designed to accelerate your success in the online world!

I have created a well-structured, text-based course that is FREE for you to understand online business basics and launch it in 7 days. 

What is the decision you are taking? 

Are you Unable to decide? 

Are you able to decide? 

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt

Dr Ashish Juneja

A Digital Economics Coach helping people to Create Digital Wealth Discreetly.